Accredited Agencies

We proudly showcase the esteemed agencies that have achieved CPIEA accreditation status. These agencies represent the pinnacle of dedication and excellence in international education recruitment. Below, you can find linked logos of all our accredited agencies. Clicking on each logo will direct you to more information about these distinguished organizations.

Each logo serves as a testament to the agency’s commitment to quality and ethical standards, and we celebrate their continued success in guiding students on their educational journeys.

Recognition for Accredited Agencies

Recognition of their outstanding commitment to excellence, all CPIEA accredited agencies receive the following benefits:

Logo Display

Accredited agencies can showcase their logo on this page to promote their accomplishments to industry stakeholders.

Accreditation Certificate

Receive a formal certificate of accreditation, acknowledging their status as a CPIEA-accredited agency for the current year.

Email Badge

Access a specially designed email banner to highlight their CPIEA accredited status in email communications. This digital badge will serve as a mark of trust and distinction in all correspondences.